- 1998 Spin-off from the Clausthal University of Technology - Photonic sensor concepts and prototype construction with a focus on security applications
- 2002-2006 R & D contract - mine search system for the German Federal Armed Forces
- 2006 CryLaS GmbH Berlin becomes the parent company of SECOPTA - development of laser-based spectroscopic systems
- 2007 Technology Award of the Committee of the Defense Industry in the BDI
- 2009 Focussing on two markets - industrial sensors (civil applications) and detection of hazardous substances (security area)
- 2010 Market launch FiberLIBS - references in recycling
- 2011 Development of the analytic platform PHOCIS - research project for mobile bioanalytics with the Charité and the HHI
- 2013 Presentation of the MopaLIBS - fast LIBS sensor for recycling applications
- 2016 Foundation of SECOPTA analytics GmbH, merger of the former Secopta GmbH with the parent company
- 2017 Move into new premises in Teltow near Berlin
- 2017 User Award of the DGzfP for the condition assessment with LIBS